China English super special The U.S.

A Coup d’etat – The 2020 U.S. Presidential Race ― SUPER-SPECIAL: The CCP Interfered the U.S. Election ― The “Deep State” in the U.S. ― Di Dongsheng-2

Di Dongsheng discussed deep state in the U.S. and Sino-U.S. relations.

SUPER-SPECIAL: Di Dongsheng, one of the Xi Jinping’s “brains” is talking about the Deep State in the U.S. and Sino-U.S. relations after President Trump took the office in 2019. He is a part of the Deep State. Here is Di’s talk in Chinese language:

Source: “【翟东升 完整版】美国是铁打的隐形政府Deep State,流水的总统,” Chinese Radio Seattle, December 10, 2020

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By Cloudy Dragon

Anonymous, Ph.D.: Grew up China and Japan; Studied Post-College in the U.S. with 2 Master degrees & a Ph. D.

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