SPECIAL: National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA), some issues of the corruptions in past administrations have been exposed. Watching:
Some questions of past administrations have been exposed:
- The birth place of Obama, who might be a Muslim, not a Christianity.
- Both parents of Obama can speak Russian language.
- The distraction of Christianity had been during Obama Administration.
- The 9.11 tragedy in 2001 were orchestrated by two Bushes (father and son).
- Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank deb.
- Abolishes the income tax and IRS
- After executing NESARA, the presidential and congress elections will be carried out.
- Two liberal judges have become justices in Supreme Court.
- Obama had tried to destroy the U.S. military
- Selling secrets to foreign countries?
- Opening the border policy, increasing MS 13
- Obama-Hillary have sold nuclear materials (20%) to Iran
- Through Bill Clinton Foundation, the money-Landry has been done.
- Bush and Obama are puppet of the DS