China English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.15) in the White House: How Has the CCP Corrupted the Mainland China

A Taiwanese media reported how the CCP corrupted the Chinese society in China

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.14) in the White House: The CCP Issued Its White Paper for “Democracy”

The CCP in Beijing issued its arrogant and idiotic white paper for “Democracy”

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.14) in the White House: Something Might Occur in Japan

In Aomori, Japan, a massive fish died; something might occur in Japan very soon

English Japan special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.13) in the White House: President Trump Honor and Remember Pearl Harbor 80 Years Ago

Trump issued a statement on the day of Pearl Harbor

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.13) in the White House: Chris Cuomo Eludes Military Capture

Chris Cuomo eludes military capture

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.12) in the White House: Summit for Democracy or Hypocrisy?

During December 9-10, the U.S. hosted Summit for Democracy

English Japan special The U.S. 日本語

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.09) in the White House: Abe Warned Xi Jinping Regarding Taiwan

Former prime minister of Japan, Abe Shinzo, warned the CCP by saying: “A Taiwan emergency is a Japanese emergency, and therefore an emergency for the Japan-U.S. alliance. People in Beijing, President Xi Jinping in particulars, should never have a misunderstanding in recognizing this.”