English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (5.23.2022) in the White House: DT Issued His Statements on May 5, 2022

President Trump issued his statements on May 5, 2022

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (5.22.2022) in the White House: Russian TV Threatens UK’s Annihilation with Giant Radioactive Tsunami

Russian TV threatens UK’s annihilation with Giant radioactive tsunami

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (5.21.2022) in the White House: Russia Has Lost A Third of Their Ground Forces in the Ukrainian War

The Ukrainians just get rid of third of Russian ground force in the war

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (5.21.2022) in the White House: Disinformation Governance Board of Homeland Security

The disinformation governance board was created inside of the Homeland Security

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (5.28.2022) in the White House: Finland to Apply to Join NATO for the First Time

Finland has applied to join NATO for the first time since WWII

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (5.20.2022) in the White House: Noam Chomsky Makes Unexpected Realization about Donald Trump

Noam Chomsky, the leftist-leaning scholar, makes unexpected realization about President Trump

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (5.19.2022) in the White House: Lavrov’s Hitler Remarks

Lavrov made his comments regarding Hitler remarks

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (5.18.2022) in the White House: Trump Issued Statements on April 30, 2022

President Trump issued statements on April 30, 2022

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (5.17.2022) in the White House: Trump VS. Alex Jones

According to RRN Trump completed to cut off with Alex Jones

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (5.16.2022) in the White House: CNN’s Jim Acosta Tries to Get Comments MTG

According to Veritas CNN’s Jim Acosta tries to get comments MTG