English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.22) in the White House: George W. Bush Denied Tribunal Extension

George W. Bush denied tribunal extension

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.21) in the White House: Nigel Farage Interviewed with Donald Trump

The British media GB News, hosting by Nigel Farage, exclusively interviewed President Donald Trump in the early December 2021

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.20) in the White House: DT Made An Interesting Statement on December 4, 2021

President Trump makes an interesting statement on December 4, 2021

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.19) in the White House: DT Fights for David Perdue

President Trump is fighting for David Perdue for Governor of Georgia. Brain Kemp, RINO (Republican In Name Only), might end his political career

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.18) in the White House: Apple Had Secret $275 Billion Deal with the CCP

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, had signed a secret deal ($275 Billion) with the CCP

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.17) in the White House: DT Denounced Mitch McConnell on November 30, 2021

President Trump issued a statement to denounce Mitch McConnell on November 30, 2021

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.16) in the White House: Kamala Harris Calls Unvaccinated “Dirty Trump People”

Kamala Harris calls unvaccinated “dirty Trump people”

China English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.15) in the White House: How Has the CCP Corrupted the Mainland China

A Taiwanese media reported how the CCP corrupted the Chinese society in China

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.14) in the White House: The CCP Issued Its White Paper for “Democracy”

The CCP in Beijing issued its arrogant and idiotic white paper for “Democracy”

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (12.14) in the White House: Something Might Occur in Japan

In Aomori, Japan, a massive fish died; something might occur in Japan very soon