English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (8.9.2022) in the White House: FBI Raided President Trump’s Mar-A-Lago in Florida

FBI raided President Trump’s Mar-A-Lago home in Florida

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (8.9.2022) in the White House: General Berger to China “Shoot Her [Pelosi] Down!”

According to RRN General Berger to China: “Shoot Her [Pelosi] down

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (8.8.2022) in the White House: How Similar Are Putin and Xi Jinping?

How similar are Putin and Xi Jinping?

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (8.7.2022) in the White House: China Threatens to Shoot Down Pelosi’s Plane, Acting A Paper Tiger

The CCP is threatening to shoot down Pelosi’s Plane, declaring a war with the U.S.; the CCP is a PAPER TIGER.

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (8.6.2022) in the White House: SCO Members Must Fight Against New World Threats?

SCO members must fight against new world threats

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (8.5.2022) in the White House: DT vs. Nancy Pelosi

Donald Trump issued a statement against Nancy Pelosi, who is going to visit Taiwan

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (8.4.2022) in the White House: DT vs. Mike Pence

Donald Trump issued statements against Mike Pence

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (8.3.2022) in the White House: Trump to Abolish IRS

According to RRN Trump to Abolish IRS

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (8.2.2022) in the White House: Biden Threatened by the CCP over Pelosi’s Taiwan Visiting

inally, Biden and Xi had online meeting, and Biden was threatened by the CCP over Pelosi7s Taiwan visiting

English special The U.S.

The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (8.1.2022) in the White House: Donald Trump Speech at America First Agenda Summit in Washington, D.C. on July 26, 2022

On July 26, 2022, President Trump gave a speech at America First Agenda Summit in Washington, D.C.