English special The U.S.

The Chaotic Era in IR ― SPECIAL: (07.17) of the White House: President Trump Speaks at CPAC in Dallas, TX on July 11, 2021

President Trump speaks at CPAC in Dallas, TX on July 11, 2021 even though Big Tech promises that they will not carry out his speech

English normal The U.S.

The Chaotic Era in IR ― SPECIAL: (07.11) of the White House: O’Keefe Defeats Twitter

O’keefee vs. Twitter

English special The U.S.

The Chaotic Era in IR ― SPECIAL: (07.10) of the White House: Donald Trump Filed Lawsuits against Big Tech

Donald Trump announced that he filed a lawsuit against Big Tech including Facebook, Google, and Twitter

English special The U.S.

The Chaotic Era in IR ― SPECIAL: (07.09) of the White House: Donald Trump Was Interviewed by Fox News

DT was interviewed by Fox News on July 1

English special The U.S.

The Chaotic Era in IR ― SPECIAL: (07.08) of the White House: Radical Leftists in New York vs. Donald Trump

DT vs. radical leftists in New York

English special The U.S.

The Chaotic Era in IR ― SPECIAL: (07.07) of the White House: Bill Barr and Deep State

Bill Barr and deep state connections

English special The U.S.

The Chaotic Era in IR ― SPECIAL: (07.06) of the White House: Xi Jinping vs. Bo Xilai

The Chinese archives revealed the fact of the fight between Xi Jinping vs. Bo Xilai

English special The U.S.

The Chaotic Era in IR ― SPECIAL: (07.05) of the White House: Trump vs. Deep State

DT vs. deep state

English special The U.S.

The Chaotic Era in IR ― SPECIAL: (07.04) of the White House: DT Rally in Wellington, Ohio

Trump Rally in Ohio on June 26, 2021

English special The U.S.

The Chaotic Era in IR ― SPECIAL: (07.03) of the White House: Jon Voight, American Flag (5)

Jon Voight, Angelina Jolie’s father, talked about an American flag