In our previous article in the breaking news (A Coup d’etat – The 2020 U.S. Presidential Race -2: European Software Company Scytl in Germany), Michael Shrimpton provided 15 ways to steal the election.
Three lawyers presented the facts of systematic fraud in the 2020 U.S. presidential election case.
トランプチームの弁護士であるリン・ウッド(Lin Wood)氏がニュース・マックス・テレビ(Newsmax TV)のインタビューを受けていたとき、彼のインタビュー中に奇妙なことが起こりました。
When Lin Wood, an attorney for Trump Team, was interviewed by Newsmax TV, a strange thing was occurred during his interview.
2020年11月18日 米国国防長官代行のクリストファー C.ミラー(Christopher C. Miller)氏は、ノースカロライナ州フォートブラッグにて「特殊作戦/低度の政治衝突について自分に直接報告する」という重要な発表を行いました。
On November 18, 2020, Christopher C. Miller, Acting Defense Minister, made the important announcement — “for special operations/low-intensity conflict to report directly to him” — at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
It is funny when the major media reported that the Dominion Voting Machine can be hacked.
With major media and newspapers covering up the corruption of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the name of Scytl company has been popular in the social media.