Categories super special The U.S. 日本語 クーデター〜2020年米国大統領選挙-スーパースペシャル編:リン・ウッドが2020年12月24日にツィートした 2020年12月24日にリン・ウッドがツィートした Post author By Jpwriter Post date 2020-12-26 No Comments on クーデター〜2020年米国大統領選挙-スーパースペシャル編:リン・ウッドが2020年12月24日にツィートした スーパースペシャル:リン・ウッド(@LLinWood)が2020年12月24日にツィートした。 God created America & made our country the beacon of light shining out to the world to maintain hope & to fight for freedom.God created his perfect Son to die for our sins & give us gift of eternal life.God will save America. We shall remain free. Keep praying. God bless ALL.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 25, 2020 A picture is worth a thousand words. It expresses best the feelings & beauty of what is portrayed. It also expresses the feelings of the person who gives it to you.Thank you General Micheal Flynn @GenFlynn. You are a warrior for God, America & @realDonaldTrump.You honor me.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 25, 2020 I am not a lawyer for @realDonaldTrump or an advisor to him.I trust others will impart to the President this sage advice.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 24, 2020 No response yet. I am sure they are busy trying to bleach bit all the machines. That will take some time. I am happy to wait.P.S. They will not be able to scrub them ALL clean. Too many machines & too much dirt.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 24, 2020 To quote my mentor, the late Paul M. Hawkins, “You damn betcha.”— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 24, 2020 Sounds like @realDonaldTrump has put his boat in the water for his trip to cross the Delaware.Tens of millions of Patriots are behind him ready to follow his lead.On Christmas Eve.History does repeat itself.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 24, 2020 I have not received a letter from Dominion or its attorney Tom Clare @TAClare of @ClareLockeLLP. Tom knows my address. I mentored him & his wife on defamation law.They also represent Bill Gates.There are no coincidences.I will respond when I get the letter. Send it, Tom.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 24, 2020 Will NOT be done. Sorry for the error..Christmas is the perfect time to be reminded that we are ALL imperfect with only ONE exception – Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth & the life. John 14:6..We must always remember to keep Christ in Christmas. 🙏— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 24, 2020 Ralph Jones, Sr., Ruby Freeman & her daughter Shaye Ross need to see bright light of interrogation. A through & sifting cross-examination will discover truth.We will be done by @GBI_GA as Director Vic Reynolds is @BrianKempGA crony.Where is DOJ & FBI?— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 24, 2020 Thanks, @monicaonairtalk. Jordy @JordyFuchs does not have to apologize to me. I will settle for an admission of guilt, a full confession & some serious jail time. Time to teach some serious lessons. Especially to Communist sympathizers who sell our votes & threaten our freedom.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 24, 2020 Remember the Grinch who tried to steal Christmas? He was a mean-spirited, spiteful person.This Christmas, remember the Grinches who tried to steal the 11/3 GA election: @BrianKempGA @GeoffDuncanGA @GaSecofState & @JordyFuchs.Looks like Jordy got an early naughty list gift.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 24, 2020 Merry Christmas Eve to each & everyone of you,From Me, Allie, Thee, Motley & Crew!— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 24, 2020 ← クーデター〜2020年米国大統領選挙-スーパースペシャル編:トランプ大統領が2020年12月24日にツィートした → クーデター〜2020年米国大統領選挙-スーパースペシャル編:ジェームズ・オキーフ対CNN上級指導者-23 Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please input characters displayed above. Δ