Categories super special The U.S. 日本語 クーデター〜2020年米国大統領選挙-スーパースペシャル編:リン・ウッドが2020年12月29日にツィートした 2020年12月29日にリン・ウッドがツィートした Post author By Jpwriter Post date 2021-01-01 No Comments on クーデター〜2020年米国大統領選挙-スーパースペシャル編:リン・ウッドが2020年12月29日にツィートした スーパースペシャル:リン・ウッド(@LLinWood)が2020年12月29日にツィートした。 Atlanta Federal Judge Timothy C. Batten, Sr. has dismissed 2 GA election cases. I believe his rulings fly in face of established law. Both cases are on appeal.I don’t know his professional relationship, if any, with Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner. Do you?— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 29, 2020 My message to all the anti-Trump Republicans is simple & clear.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 29, 2020— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 29, 2020 All the power rests in We The People who derive our power from Almighty God.Government exists to serve us. Government must play by our rules.Time to wake up & make your voices be heard.Watch what happens.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 29, 2020 Peter Navarro @RealPNavarro is a truth-giver. When Peter speaks, listen carefully.The GA Senate runoff must be postponed. GA Patriots must demand that 11/3 election be investigated & a new down ballot election scheduled. We MUST clean it up. We MUST get it right.Trump won.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 29, 2020 FBI & ATF say Nashville “bomber” acted alone. Wow, he did a great female voice impersonation on the evacuation warning. Pretty sophisticated lone “bomber!”We The People are being played again. Ask questions. Demand answers.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 29, 2020 C.J. John Roberts should resign immediately.It is time for Supreme Court to do its job & uphold rule of law in this country.Roberts is the impediment. Roberts is corrupt.We The People pay his salary. He works for us. Call & email with demands for his resignation. NOW.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 29, 2020 Seems like a pretty straightforward question capable of a yes or no answer.What was Bill’s answer?I know mine:Bill Gates is a corrupt & evil serpent & should NEVER be trusted. He should be in prison.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 29, 2020 Has anyone seen or heard from Bill or Hillary Clinton in the past several days?Democrats claim 1/5 GA runoff win is critical to future of America.Wonder why Bill & Hillary have not been campaigning in GA?Any guesses?— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 29, 2020 Eyes are beginning to focus on VP Pence @vp.What kind of man is he? He professes a strong faith in God. If true to his professed faith, Pence will NEVER certify a lie. @realDonaldTrump won. Joe Biden cheated.We will soon learn much about Pence.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 29, 2020 ← クーデター〜2020年米国大統領選挙-スーパースペシャル編:ジェームズ・オキーフがスピーチした(2) → クーデター〜2020年米国大統領選挙-スーパースペシャル編:トランプ大統領が2020年12月29日にツィートした Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please input characters displayed above. Δ