English super special The U.S.

The Chaotic Era in IR ― SUPER-SPECIAL: (01.23) of the White House: Sidney Powell’s Message

Restore the Republic PAC

SUPER-SPECIAL: Sidney Powell makes the statement in Telegram in the following:


“Today we are proud to announce the formation of Restore the Republic PAC, which will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections,” said Restore the Republic PAC Founder Sidney Powell. “The PAC will promote candidates who fight for truth and the Rule of Law, and we will strenuously oppose any candidate who discards the Constitution for his own short term or political gain—regardless of her party. Eighty million people were just disenfranchised by the inauguration of a President not elected by lawful votes. The Democrats abandoned their base and the Republicans betrayed theirs.

 The American people are starved for truth, restoration of the Rule of Law, and even-handed accountability. Americans are fed up with the corruption in government and the elitist political class that views them with condescension and contempt. The American people deserve a voice that exposes and rejects the self-interest of political parties, the control of tech giants, and the lies of the fake news. We will be the voice for honesty, integrity, and a return to government by We the People.  Join this new endeavor co-founded by Mike Lindell and Joe Flynn at www.RestoreTheRepublicPAC.Com”

Source: Observe China 中国观察, January 26, 2021

By Cloudy Dragon

Anonymous, Ph.D.: Grew up China and Japan; Studied Post-College in the U.S. with 2 Master degrees & a Ph. D.

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