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The SHADOW PRESIDENCY of Donald Trump ― SPECIAL: (11.8.2022) in the White House: Zero-Corona in China Foxconn Factory Problems

Xi Jinping’s Zero-Corona policy has provided a lot of problems for business. Foxconn Zhengzhou is one of Apple Inc.’s largest foundries in Asia, with a peak workforce of 300,000 employees at one point. From Oct. 29th to 30th, a large number of employees broke out of the plant after a fierce clash between the employees and the anti-epidemic workers.

SPECIAL: Xi Jinping’s Zero-Corona policy has provided a lot of problems for business. Foxconn Zhengzhou is one of Apple Inc.’s largest foundries in Asia, with a peak workforce of 300,000 employees at one point. From Oct. 29th to 30th, a large number of employees broke out of the plant after a fierce clash between the employees and the anti-epidemic workers. Some employees told overseas Chinese media that they witnessed batches of workers being hauled away from the dorm and quarantined. It’s exposed that abnormalities are found in the nucleic acid test results of nearly 20,000 people who are quarantined in an Evergrande’s rotten-tail building. Once workers are placed in quarantine, they are left unattended, without medical care or food.

A video is in the below:

Source: China Insights, November 1, 2022

By Cloudy Dragon

Anonymous, Ph.D.: Grew up China and Japan; Studied Post-College in the U.S. with 2 Master degrees & a Ph. D.

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