SPECIAL: Twitter Files: New Twitter Files release by @mtaibbi on how Hamilton 68, an outlet led by a former FBI counter intel official and Neocon/Neolib Bill Kristol, arbitrarily labelled more than 600 Twitter accounts as Russian disinformation, including mine! The full texts are in the below:
MAGA VS. Establishment (2.20.2023) in 2024 Presidential Election: Twitter Files Exposes How Hamilton 68, An Outlet Led by a Former FBI Counter Intel Official and Neocon/Neobib Bill Kriston, Arbitrarily Balelled More Than Twitter Accounts As Russian Disinformation
New Twitter Files release by
on how Hamilton 68, an outlet led by a former FBI counter intel official and Neocon/Neolib Bill Kristol, arbitrarily labelled more than 600 Twitter accounts as Russian disinformation, including mine!