China English Japan special The U.S.

MAGA VS. Establishment (12.23.2023) in 2024 Presidential Election: A Chinese Restaurant – Xi Taihou (西太后) in Japan – Has Been Harassed by the Chinese

A owner of the Chines erestaurant in Tokyo has put a sign (Chinese and Koreans are prohibited due to the COVID-19) in front of his store. Some of pro-CCP Chinese have been harassed the owners of this owner. The police have been dispatched in the store. As a result, the owner changed its sign to “liberation of Hong Kong,” “8.9,” and “6.4.” Since then, the pro-CCP Chinese have stopped to harass the store.

SPECIAL: A owner of the Chines Restaurant in Tokyo has put a sign (Chinese and Koreans are prohibited due to the COVID-19) in front of his store. Some of pro-CCP Chinese have been harassed the owners of this owner. The police have been dispatched in the store. As a result, the owner changed its sign to “liberation of Hong Kong,” “8.9,” and “6.4.” Since then, the pro-CCP Chinese have stopped to harass the store. A video is in the below:  

In English:

Source: China Insider with David Zhang, December 17, 2023
Source: 華視新聞 CH52, December 17, 2023
Source: 希望之聲TV, December 17, 2023

In Japanese:

Source: しがないアラフィフおとこHARU haru, December 18.\, 2023

By Cloudy Dragon

Anonymous, Ph.D.: Grew up China and Japan; Studied Post-College in the U.S. with 2 Master degrees & a Ph. D.

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